The Piano { Windsor | Santa Rosa, Ca | Lifestyle | Child Photographer }

My sister Candi gave my girls this little red piano when they were little.  When they got bigger and their room became crowed with 2 twin beds and toy boxes, the piano was put up in the closet.  I spied the cute little piano the other day and thought Quinn would love to bang on it and make some beautiful toddler music.  I was right.  I brought it downstairs and waited for him to find it.

I set it in front of the window and he started experimenting with the sounds he could make

Then he decided it needed to be moved to the center of the room, better acoustics maybe

First he played standing up, Elton John and Jerry Lee Lewis style, then he settled in for a seat

He looked like a cross between Linus and Schroeder with his red piano and blue blanket

I hope this piano brings him as much joy as it brought his sisters.  Thank you Auntie Candi.

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